“From an urban existence in London, to a mountain in Portugal – how our vision manifested into a lifestyle” - Simon & Davina (your hosts)

We can’t count how many different jobs, occupations and careers we’ve had in our eventful lives – from practising and teaching meditation, making documentaries on good health to sailing the seas on cruise liners. Now we are growing food on our terraces and working towards a self-sustainable life in Nature.  Probably the longest, most fulfilling work during the last couple of decades – was the organising healing, spiritual retreats in centres around the world.  

Today we are doing our best job ever - care-taking, holding the space where others can hold retreats for their students, practitioners and  patients. We found the place (a derelict farmhouse just outside Monchique, a unique mountain region of the Algarve), we renovated it with love and natural local materials (stone, cork oak, eucalyptus).

And we restored it, blending traditional style and the natural resources with modern amenities such as ensuite bathrooms with hot water and flush toilets, fully equipped kitchen faciities). A labour of love.

After many years of organising retreat events, we believe we know what is needed to host the kind of retreat which will be:

It is now our purpose to offer this space to those who can appreciate it and use it for making positive changes to their guests and the wider community.

Retreat leaders have the skills and intention to create great retreats and we have the “set and setting” where that can take place.

Please, get in touch and let’s talk more.

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About Us
Home About Us Retreat Leaders Adventures Rooms Gallery Contact Us

For further information email us: retreataltavista@gmail.com

or phone:

 +351 967 079 257

Retreat Alta Vista


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